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Apparently Chewing Gum Has Positive Benefits

The rubbery structure of chewing gum makes it a favorite of many people, both children and adults. Not only that, chewing gum can also bring a variety of health benefits. Based on sugar content, chewing gum is divided into two types, namely sugar free gum containing less than 5 calories and gum containing sugar containing 10 calories.

Various Benefits of Chewing Gum

Keep in mind that gum is a candy designed to be chewed, not swallowed. This candy is made by mixing sweeteners and flavorings that are safe to use. In one study, chewing gum can be beneficial in reducing stress. That is caused by the act of chewing which has been associated with reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol. In addition, there are also other benefits of gum that are good for health, including the following.
  • Helps maintain oral health

  • Research shows that chewing sugar-free gum can prevent cavities. Unlike the usual sweet gum that can damage teeth. Chewing sugar-free gum regularly about 20 minutes after every meal can help the production of saliva or saliva, but it is effective in removing bacteria from the teeth. But, gum still cannot replace the function of brushing teeth.
  • Helps to lose weight.

  • A study found that people who regularly chew gum tend to eat with fewer calories at lunch. Chewing gum can make your appetite more controlled. In addition, the desire to snack or eat snacks is also reduced. But in losing weight, you must need a healthy and balanced diet accompanied by regular exercise.
  • Prevent ear infections in children

  • In several studies showing that gum containing xylitol can prevent ear infections in children. Not only that, chewing gum can also help restore the intestines after surgery. Research shows that chewing gum after surgery can speed up recovery time.
However, gum is also likely to cause health problems, mainly due to sorbitol content. Numerous studies have shown, consuming around 16 grains of gum containing sorbitol can cause diarrhea in the condition of normal people. High doses of sorbitol are known to have a laxative or laxative-like effect. Although it has benefits, you should still pay attention to the amount of consumption and the content of gum to avoid the negative effects that might occur. Always try to maintain healthy teeth and mouth by regularly brushing your teeth every day, and see your dentist regularly.
